About Us

My name is Sebastien. Blissdom started as an idea while I was on vacation up North in Canada. In that moment of bliss, I convinced myself that I could use my experience in product development to create my own brand.

A brand that would not only deliver high-quality products but also giving it a classy and unique look.

We strive to provide the products that are built to last for students, athletes, businessmen, workers, men or women.

As you can see, Blissdom is a simple and down-to-earth brand. Everything you see is authentic, akin to what you would find in the comfort of your own home or within your family.

Keep working, keep dreaming, stay focused and have fun !


Thanks for your support



A black plastic chair mat with a beautiful motivational graphics
A black office chair mat with beautiful motivational graphic
A black office floor protector mat with a beautiful motivational graphic
A black mat for hard floors with a beautiful motivational graphics
A black chair matt for hardwood floors with beautiful motivational graphic
A chair matt with a beautiful motivational graphics
A black office chair protector mat with a beautiful motivational graphics
A black office chair mat for hardwood and tile floor close up
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